Car pool
Combined with the itinisère website, there are numerous local initiatives that enable to promote or even to manage car-pooling solutions.
Among those can be noticed :
- Covoit'OùRA!:
- Blablacar :
- La Roue Verte :
Sharing cars is also possible: this is known as car-sharing.
Car-sharing places automobiles at the disposal of subscribers to this service for very short periods, during which they pay only for its use.
For more information
The Alpes-Car-sharing website, at
What is carpooling?
Carpooling is sharing a personal vehicle with other persons to share together a part or a whole trip.
You may use it to reach your working place, your school or university, a railway station or for your leisure. Why use carpooling?
The average number of persons travelling by car is 1.2 in cars designed to transport 4 or 5 persons. By having more people using one vehicle, carpooling reduces the traffic, pollution, noise and accidents.
This simple and economical practice enables to reduce each person’s travel cost such as fuel cost, tolls, mechanical wear, parking fees, sharing costs among users or using cars in turn.
A friendly practice. Carpooling also enables to cut car-travelling monotony when you drive alone. Carpooling may be the occasion to socialize and meet new persons.
An eco-friendly practice. Carpooling contributes to reduce the number of cars on roads and therefore it also contributes to reduce greenhouse gases emissions, the main reason of pollution and climate change effects.